The insane genius who invented bubble football should be given some kind of prize. Combining inflatable antics with unlimited opportunities for bothering the groom, this is top of the list for the chap who wants something a bit mad for the Saturday afternoon of his stag weekend!
Bubble football works just like any other footie match - only you're wrapped up in a huge inflatable Zorb suit with only your legs poking out. The Zorb, which is basically a blow-up ball, is absolute comedy gold, and will have you bouncing and rolling around the pitch like a Subbuteo player!
In Glasgow, bubble football takes place in a conveniently located sports centre. Slap bang in the middle of the city, it's only a short roll from most accommodation. Even if you have trouble rousting the chaps out of bed, you'll make it on time.
Bubble football is particularly hilarious when gents who are good at the real thing have a go. For a real laugh, just watch the best players in the group trying to control a ball with a foot and a half of inflated plastic in front of their faces!
You might not get a place in the first team at Celtic or Rangers, but you'll definitely have a great afternoon. Told you it was genius.
In a nutshell:
Please note: Groups with 10-15 people will get 10 bubbles for 1 hour and groups of 16+ people will get 90 minutes.